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Leashes for SUP

Leashes for SUP - choose The right model in the Sportano shopStand Up Paddle (SUP) is an activity that combines the pleasure of being outdoors with a great full-body workout. However, regardless of your level, safety on the water should always come first, and leashes for SUP play a key role in this aspect. A leash is the rope that connects the paddler to the SUP board and is a fundamental safety feature, preventing the board from moving away from the user when they fall into the water. It is a simple but essential piece of equipment that can save lives, especially in rough seas or strong currents. In the Sportano shop you will find leashes for SUP from tried and tested brands such as Advanced Elements, Aqua Marina, JOBE, Aquaglide or AQUASTIC.Types of leash: when and which to choose?When choosing a leash for Stand Up Paddle, it is important to make an informed choice tailored to the specific conditions in which it will be used. The type of activity is an important factor - whether it is leisurely paddling on a lake, dynamic wave surfing or perhaps river exploration. Spiral leashes are great for calm waters, as their twisted design prevents them from snagging on aquatic plants or rocks, and keeps the line away from the paddle. In situations where you need extra freedom of movement, such as when doing turns or tricks, the flexibility of a spiral leash is invaluable. On the other hand, for SUP surfing where there is a risk of stronger wave impacts, straight leashes offer more distance between the user and the board, reducing the chance of injury from board impact. Quick-release leashes, although slightly more expensive, are invaluable in fast-flowing rivers and streams where there is a real danger of snagging on branches or other obstacles - in which case the user can quickly free themselves from the board, which can be crucial in a life-threatening situation.Materials and construction: what makes a durable leash?The durability of a leash is critical to the safety of the user, and the materials from which it is made play a key role. High-quality urethane is preferred for its durability and flexibility; it will not break under tensile forces and is resistant to salt water. The stainless steel buckles and fasteners are a guarantee of faultlessness, and the use of neoprene in the cuff ensures comfort, even for long hours. Double or triple stitching significantly increases the strength and durability of the leash, and their presence in the areas exposed to the greatest stress is essential. When choosing a leash, it is important not to be guided solely by price, but to look for products from reputable manufacturers that use proven materials and technology. Warranties offered by manufacturers can also be an indication of the quality of the leash. It is advisable to regularly check the condition of the leash before each trip to the water, paying particular attention to any signs of wear or damage.Length and thickness of the leash: matching the water conditions Matching the length and thickness of the leash to the water conditions in which it will be used is a key criteria that can affect the safety and comfort of the SUP board. The length of the leash should be chosen to be close to or equal to the length of the board. For boards 10 feet in length, the recommended leash should be of similar dimensions. Using a leash that is too short can result in the board being too close after a fall, increasing the risk of impact. On the other hand, a leash that is too long can tangle and be an obstruction when paddling. In calm water conditions such as lakes or calm seas, the leash length can be slightly shorter for better comfort, while in stronger waves, a longer leash will provide more distance between the user and the board after a fall, minimising the risk of injury. The thickness of the leash is equally important as it has a direct impact on its durability. Thicker leashes tend to be stronger, which is key, especially in extreme conditions such as strong waves or wind. A thicker leash means more certainty that the leash will not cut during unexpected tension. Users with heavier weights should also consider thicker leashes to ensure adequate strength. This is particularly important for SUP surfing, where the power and force of the waves can be very high.Attachment methods: how to attach a leash to a SUP board?Attaching a leash to a SUP board is a fundamental part of preparing for any on-water expedition and should be done with the utmost care. Most modern SUP boards have a built-in eye on the back of the board that is designed to attach the leash. Attaching the leash starts by attaching one end to this eye with a loop, which is created by folding the leash in half and pulling the two ends through the loop created. The other end of the leash, which is usually fitted with a neoprene cuff, attaches to the paddler's ankle, allowing the leash to remain securely in contact with the board, even after a fall into the water. It is worth ensuring that the cuff fits snugly around the ankle - it should be neither too tight nor too loose, so as not to cause discomfort or risk losing the board. Some leashes have quick-release systems which are particularly useful in emergency situations - it is worth familiarising yourself with how they work and practising using them regularly so that you can quickly free yourself from the board if necessary. In addition, for extra safety, some leashes are equipped with buckles or locking clasps to prevent accidental detachment of the leash from the board.
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