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Children's swimming suits

Children's swimming suits - thermal protection and safety at the highest levelChildren's swimming suits are a key piece of equipment for little water lovers. They not only enhance comfort and safety during water play, but also promote the development of swimming skills. Available in a variety of styles and sizes, they are designed to meet the diverse needs of children of all ages. In the Sportano shop, you will find children's swimming suits from trusted brands such as Rip Curl, O'Neill, Splash About and LEGO.Different types of swimming suits: from learning to playingChildren's swimming suits are designed to meet the diverse needs of young swimmers at every stage of their swimming development. The variety of suit types available allows them to be tailored to the specific skills and preferences of children, from those who are just starting out in swimming to little water fun enthusiasts. Science suits are ideal for beginner swimmers. Often featuring built-in flotation elements, such as foam panels or floating inserts, they help children stay afloat, which is key in the early stages of learning to swim. These flotation elements not only increase safety, but also allow the child to focus on learning the correct swimming moves without fear of submersion. Thermal suits are designed for children who are already more comfortable in the water and need more freedom of movement. Made from thicker neoprene, they provide thermal protection, allowing them to play in cooler water for longer. Their flexibility and fit are key to ensuring freedom of movement when swimming, diving or playing. There are also hybrid suits, which combine the features of scientific and thermal suits. These feature smaller flotation elements that still provide support but allow more freedom of movement than traditional science suits. They are an excellent choice for children who are already confident in the water but still need extra support. It is also important to choose a suit depending on the activity. For children who are taking swimming lessons or practising swimming, suits that provide maximum freedom of movement will be best. On the other hand, for family outings to the beach or water park, where fun is just as important as learning to swim, more versatile suits that provide a balance between support and freedom of movement will be better. Materials and technology in swimming suitsMaterials used in the manufacture of children's swimming suits play a key role in ensuring comfort, safety and functionality. Technological advances in this field have led to the development of advanced fabrics and manufacturing techniques that directly affect the quality and capabilities of swimsuits. Neoprene is the most commonly chosen material for swimming suits. It is a synthetic rubber, valued for its insulating properties. Neoprene keeps the body warm, which is particularly important in colder waters where the risk of hypothermia is greater. Its elasticity also ensures freedom of movement, which is key to a swimmer's comfort. Today's wetsuits often incorporate thermal technologies such as double and triple seam bonding, which increases their water resistance and durability. These techniques prevent water from getting inside the suit, which could reduce its thermal insulation. Flotation panels are often used in suits for beginner swimmers. Made from lighter materials such as EVA foam, these panels help to keep the child afloat, which is important in the early stages of learning to swim. These panels are strategically placed in different parts of the suit to ensure optimal flotation without restricting movement. Another innovation is the use of chlorine- and salt-water-resistant materials. This is important because it increases the durability of the suit, which is often exposed to these environments. These materials are also easier to maintain and retain their original look and shape for longer. Many suits also use advanced closures, such as Velcro systems or zips, which make them easier to put on and take off. This is particularly important for children who may find it difficult to dress themselves in suits with more complex construction. In terms of aesthetics, manufacturers are increasingly experimenting with a variety of designs and colours that not only appeal to children, but also increase their visibility in the water - an added safety feature. How to choose the perfect swimming suit for your child?Choosing the perfect swimming suit for your child is a key factor in their comfort and safety when swimming. There are several important aspects to consider in order to make the best choice. Consider your child's swimming skill level: this is one of the most important factors when choosing a wetsuit. For beginner swimmers, the best suits will be those with built-in flotation elements to help maintain balance in the water and build confidence. For more advanced swimmers, suits that offer greater freedom of movement and are focused on thermal protection will be a better choice. Consider the conditions in which the suit will be used: a different suit will be needed in the pool and another in open water. In colder waters, it is important to have a thicker material for better thermal insulation. In warmer conditions, you may choose a lighter suit that focuses mainly on sun protection and provides freedom of movement. The fit of the suit is key: make sure the suit is fitted but not too tight. A suit that is too tight can restrict movement and be uncomfortable, while one that is too loose will not provide adequate thermal protection or flotation. It is a good idea to use the size charts provided by manufacturers, which often take into account measurements such as height, weight and chest circumference. Pay attention to the material and workmanship: high quality neoprene will provide better thermal protection and be more durable. It is also important that the seams are well made, which will affect the durability of the suit and prevent skin irritation. Functionality and safety: it is worth looking for suits with additional features, such as reflective elements for better visibility in the water, or easily accessible zips for quicker and easier donning and doffing. Suits with UV protection are also beneficial as they protect the skin from the sun's harmful rays. Child's aesthetics and preferences: while safety and functionality are paramount, a child's taste and preferences cannot be ignored. A jumpsuit in a favourite colour or with an attractive pattern may encourage the child to use it more often and more willingly.
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